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The system expects you to enter the vehicle number details in proper format. The system shows the ‘Invalid Format’ when we are trying to enter the vehicle number if the format is not proper. Given below are formats to enter vehicle number entry in E-way Bill.

Format details can be seen in the “help button” with the vehicle entry field.

To enable proper entry of the vehicle number, the following formats have been provided for the vehicle numbers:-

Format RC Numbers Example Entry
ABC1234 DEF 234 DEF0234
AB123456 UP 1 345 UP010345
AB12A1234 AP 5 P 23 AP05P0023
AB12AB1234 TN 10 DE 45 TN10DE0045
AB12ABC1234 KE 3 PEW 1265 KE03PEW1265
DFXXXXXXXXXXXXX For Defence Vehicle, start with DF DF02K123
TMXXXXXXXXXXXXX For Temp RC Vehicle, start with TM* TMKA01000002
BPXXXXXXXXXXXXX For Bhutan Vehicle, start with BP
NPXXXXXXXXXXXXX For Nepal Vehicle, start with BP

*w.e.f. 03.11.2020, Temporary Vehicle Nos. to be entered starting with “TM” instead of “TR”

How to enter the vehicle number DL1AB123 as there is no format available for this in e-way bill system?

If the RC book has vehicle number like DL1AB123, then you enter as DL01AB0123. The vehicle entered in the e-way bill system is only for information and GST officer will accept this variation.

In case of any digit is not available to fit in vehicle number format, ‘Zero’ to be used in case of that unavailable digit.


    1. It’s correct entry will be DL01LAB2485….. Zero to be entered before “1” to make it eligible for correct format.

    2. please send me notification from GST office regarding this- How to enter the vehicle number DL1AB123 as there is no format available for this in e-way bill system?

  1. Hi,
    how to raise E-way bill for Temporary registered vehicle( Temp No: TN/8/TMP/2018/539)

  2. if material is pick up by padal.then how can we make e way bill.
    because in vehical no. not accepted and not any other format.
    kindly help

  3. Sir
    Vehicle number RJ27GC4407 is not accepted by eway bill. Kinsky sens t correct format

  4. Please advise if material come through general ricksha then what do we have to mentioned in e-way…Vehicle Number…??

    Please reply..

  5. Please suggest if one digit is not taken by format i.e.. DL01LAA8966 in this case last “6” digit not fit/not option in format and we removed “0” from vehicle no so msg show error invalid vehicle no so what should be do that case.

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